Our Services

Resume Workshop Sessions


Having the skills for your dream job is only the first step

How you tell your story is what sets you apart, and that’s something we live by at Rise Career Development. Even if you don’t have all the skills required, we help you translate the skills you do have to your dream job and resources for finding new skills. What we’re offering is personal one on one 1 hour resume workshop sessions that will help you reach that goal of setting yourself apart

How it works:

  • You book a 1 hour session and submit your resume

  • We then work together to transform your resume into a New York Times best seller about your experience and what makes you unique

  • This time will be used as an opportunity to unearth the value of each role you’ve had and the skills you’ve acquired. In addition, the session will serve as an opportunity for you to learn what’s holding your resume back and how to make your accomplishments come to life

What you walk away with:

  • A resume that brings out the best of what you have to offer

  • An understanding of what makes your story great and how to communicate it to employers

  • The skills needed to make future resume edits and tailor your resume for each new role you apply for


  • Simple flat fee of $50 for your first session and $25 for any additional 30 minute resume consultations, for those who would like a 2nd and 3rd set of eyes before making any new edits

  • **$75 if you bundle a Resume Workshop and Mock Interview Session!


Mock Interview Sessions

Interviews are never easy, but proper preparation can help calm the nerves and help you shine under pressure

Even if you have the perfect resume and know your story by heart, interviews are always tough. We will conduct 1 hour mock interviews where you can practice communicating your story, answer technical questions, and sharpen your interviewing skills with someone with industry experience and understands what interviewers want to know and hear

How it works:

  • You book a 1 hour mock interview session

  • First, we discuss your experience, the role you’re looking for, and walk through your resume like a normal interview. Then, we discuss how to better tailor your resume walk through to the role and how to make key pieces of your experience flow smoothly

  • Subject matter knowledge will be challenged in a round of technical questions to gauge your understanding of the skills needed for the role and how to display them in a convincing manner

  • The overall goal of this time will be dedicated to finding areas where your storytelling can improve and how bring out the value that you can bring to any role

What you walk away with:

  • Confidence in your ability to sit down with an interviewer and tell your story in a clear, concise, and poised manner

  • An understanding of how to reaffirm your qualifications and the value you bring to the role

  • The skills needed to communicate your technical or industry knowledge in a manner that reflects future success in your desired role


  • Simple flat fee of $100 for a 1 hour session

  • **$75 if you bundle a Resume Workshop and Mock Interview Session!